Zhao Wei Liew authored
Change-Id: Ic46cafca504c862cae84a2a9264b0ffb0e87933e
Zhao Wei Liew authoredChange-Id: Ic46cafca504c862cae84a2a9264b0ffb0e87933e
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CHANGELOG.mkdn 17.49 KiB
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CHANGELOG (notable new features)
13.0 ZNH5Y
- Common: Android 6.0.1 (Google)
- Android Security Bulletin - August 1st update
- Wi-Fi Tethering – automatically turn off hotspot after X minutes of inactivity
- Profiles – add notification light controls
- Do Not Disturb/Priority Mode – add notification light controls
- Privacy Guard/App data usage – Restrict apps to Wi-Fi or Cellular data only or block all internet access, per app
- Bluetooth Devices battery support
- Lockscreen Wallpaper picker makes its return
- Lockscreen Weather and new Weather plug in support
- Lockscreen Blur support (on a per device basis) and the ability to disable the effect
- Live Lockscreen support
- New LiveDisplay hardware enhancements and API
- Snap Camera (per device basis)
- Gello Browser (per device basis)
- Lots of translations
- Cyanogen Apps support (x86 not supported yet)
- Additional CM SDK APIs
- Security fixes galore
13.0 ZNH0E
- Common: Android 6.0.1 (Google)
- Android Security Bulletin - March 7th update
- Settings > Build date - Triple tap to access demo mode
- Settings > Memory - New screen to show memory usage over a selected period of time
- Protected Apps - New folder UX, fingerprint support, enhanced ability to restrict access
- New SMS/MMS application
12.1 YOG4PAO3
- Common: Android 5.1.1 (Google)
- Android Security Bulletin – October 5th update
12.1 YOG4PAO2
- Common: Android 5.1.1 (Google)
- New Devices: Andromax Q (rendang), Galaxy S5 China (kltechn), Galaxy S5 Duos (klteduos), Galaxy S5 Duos China (kltechnduo)
- IMAP idle support
- SDK v1 release
- Stagefright security fixes
- Common: Android 5.0 (Google)
11.0.0 M12
- Common: Android 4.4.4 (Google)
- patches against POODLE vulnerability in SSLv3
- Multi-sim improvements throughout the OS experience
11.0.0 M11
- Common: Android 4.4.4 (Google)
- New Devices: Galaxy S4 Active (jactivelte), Galaxy S4 SK I-9506 (ks01lte), Galaxy S5 GSM (klte), Galaxy Tab 10.1 (picassowifi), Galaxy Player 4.0 (ypg1)
- Re-introduce Samsung Galaxy Relay 4G (apexqtmo) support
- Fix signal strength showing ’2147483647′ on certain devices
- Frameworks & Core Apps: CAF and other upstream updates
- Lockscreen: Do not play sounds while a phone call is active & MSIM updates
- Frameworks: Add base & MSIM APIs for SEEK (Secure Element Evaluation Kit) support
- Frameworks: Fix volume button changing two ‘steps’ per click
- Frameworks: Add ‘Screen Off’ action for double-tap/long-press configuration options
- Show devices connected to your WiFi (tethering) Hotspot
- Fix bug related to ‘switch to last app’ action while in Recents view
- Fix Navigation Bar arrow keys in RTL locales
- Translations updates from CyanogenMod CrowdIn team
- Adjustments to ‘Glove Mode’ (High Touch Sensitivity)
- APN Updates for various regions
- Camera: Add support for all available Slow Shutter speeds (hardware dependent); Improve shutter button
- Dialer/InCallUI: Fix smartcover always showing answer fragment
- LG G2: Address GPS and NFC issues
- Base support for HTC Desire 816 & HTC One Mini 2 (pending nightlies)
- Various security updates
- General bug fixes
11.0.0 M10
- Common: Android 4.4.4 (Google)
- New Devices: Galaxy S5 Sprint (kltespr)
- Split out Note 3 into GSM (hlte), Sprint (hltespr) and Verizon (hltevzw)
- Refactor moto_msm8960dt as 'ghost' for Moto X 2013
- Drop support for obake, toro, toroplus
- Theme Engine: Themes support for additional UI elements
- Frameworks & Core Apps: CAF and other upstream updates
- Settings: Add scramble pin feature
- Frameworks: Long press recent apps to switch to last used app
- Settings: Add soft reboot option
- Add smart cover support
- Add glove mode support
- Add bug reporter and crash log uploader
- Multisim updates
- General bug fixes
- ANT+ Support for various hardware
- Privacy Guard: Control NFC permissions
11.0.0 M9
- Common: Android 4.4.4 (Google)
- New Devices: Sony Xperia Z2 Tablets (castor); HTC One (m8)
- Theme Engine: Themes support for additional UI elements
- Lockscreen: Allow doubletap to sleep when using secure keyguard
- Settings: Safe Headset Volume – prompt when interfering with 3rd party device (Jawbone, Square, etc)
- Settings: Center clock support
- Settings: Proximity Wake-Up support
- Settings: Spam notification filtering
- Settings Search: Additional improvements and highlighting
- Data Usage Info: Add support for CDMA devices without sim cards
- Bluetooth: Add additional A2DP profiles
- Bluetooth: Disable AVRCP 1.5 by default (fixes various car unit compatibility)
- Email: Fix saving attachments to storage for POP3 accounts
- Account for Play Services induced wake-locks
- Fix encryption on some LG Devices
- Dialer: add support for Korean and Chinese to smart-dialer
11.0.0 M8
- Common: Android 4.4.4 (Google)
- New Devices: Sony Xperia Z2 (sirius); Xiaomi Mi2 (aries); Oppo Find 7a/s (find7); OnePlus One (bacon)
- Common: Fix VPN issues related to 4.4.3 merge
- Common: Enable 'Heads Up' notification mode (Settings > Notifications)
- Settings: 'Interface' replaced by 'Status Bar', 'Notification Drawer', and 'Gestures'
- Settings: Moved 'Expanded Desktop' to 'Display'
- Settings: Moved all lock screen related items to 'Lock Screen' and removed duplicates from 'Security'
- Settings: Moved 'Navigation Bar' layout control to 'Buttons'
- Trebuchet: Custom Homescreen grid size
- Trebuchet: Add Protected Apps feature
- Trebuchet: Add Search Panel (Google Now) option
- WhisperPush: No longer ignores 'Blacklist'
- Futex: Protect against Towelroot
- Various small bugfixes, global and device-specific
11.0.0 M7
- Common: Android 4.4.2 (Google)
- New Devices: HTC One (m8); Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 (mondrianwifi); Galaxy Note 8.0 LTE (n5120); LG G2 Docomo (l01f)
- Common: Theme Chooser UI Overhaul
- Common: Calculator app redesign (courtesy Xlythe)
- Common: Performance Profiles
- Common: Improved theming performance on low memory devices (~512MB RAM or less)
- Trebuchet: Move settings to new slide-out panel
- Trebuchet: Consolidate settings for home and drawer options
- Media: Add FFMPEG support (expanded media format support)
- Bluetooth: Improved support for new car audio systems and docks
- Various small bugfixes, global and device-specific
- Common: Android 4.3 (Google)
- Common: Privacy Guard 2.0 with AppOps
- Common: Quick Settings Ribbon (replaces Notification Power Widgets)
- Common: Hardware Tunables HAL
- Common: Settings restructure
- SMS: Voice+ (Google Voice integration)
- SMS: Middleware layer
- APN: World Phone Support (unified APN list)
- Trebuchet: Universal Icon Pack support
- Various small bugfixes, global and device-specific
- Common: CyanogenMod Account
- Common: Privacy Guard
- Common: Dialer blacklists
- Common: Wake-on-Home
- Common: QuickSettings camera
- Common: Profile improvements
- Various small bugfixes, global and device-specific
- Master Key #2 fix
- Master Key #1 fix
- Common: Android 4.2.2 (Google)
- Common: cLock Lockscreen and Homescreen Widget
- Common: Theme Engine Support
- Common: Customize Navigation Bar (on devices without hardware keys)
- Common: Customize Notification Light
- Common: Display Battery Light
- Common: Profiles with NFC support
- Common: Customize Screen Rotation
- Common: Notification Power Widgets
- Common: DSP Manager
- Common: Volume Rocker Wake
- Common: Performance Settings (I/O Scheduler, CPU Governor, etc)
- Quick Settings: Panel Customization
- Quick Settings: Toggle QS panel with horizontal swipe
- Quick Settings: Split QS actionable area
- Quick Settings: Added QS Tiles
- Status Bar: Hide or Show Clock
- Status Bar: Battery Percentage and Circle Battery
- Status Bar: Show Notification Counts
- Status Bar: Signal Status Customization
- Status Bar: Set Date and Time as buttons (with longpress actions)
- Trebuchet: Launcher Updates
- Lockscreen: Slider Shortcuts
- Lockscreen: Maximize Widgets on Wake
- Common: Android 4.1.2 (Google)
- Common: Android 4.0.4 (Google)
- Common: Android 2.3.7 (Google)
- Common: Bluetooth mouse support - Scott Brady
- Common: Improve notification swipe-to-clear - Evan Charlton
- Common: Improve album-artist support in media scanner - Paul Crovella
- Common: Profile improvements and bugfixes - Martin Long, Danny Baumann, Robert Burns
- Common: RTL text improvements - Eyad Aboulouz, Eran Mizrahi
- Common: Wake on volume key option - Sven Dawitz
- Common: Support for revoking application permissions - Plamen K. Kosseff
- Common: Latest Superuser app - ChainsDD
- Common: Control brightness by sliding on statusbar - Danesh M
- Common: Add "copy all" to context menu - Danesh M
- Common: Lockscreen haptic and statusbar indicators toggle - Danesh M
- Common: Nicer timepicker/datepicker - Jiri Tyr
- Common: Configuration 0/90/180/270 rotation - Jonas Larsson, Scott Brady
- Common: DSP Manager bugfixes and improvements - Antti S Lankila
- Common: Support for launching apps via gestures in the background - Jiri Tyr
- Common: Option to hide hold button during call - Roberto Leinardi
- Common: Allow using wildcards for call blacklisting - Nihanth Subramanya
- Common: Option to allow in-call lockscreen to match main lockscren - Sven Dawitz
- Common: Option to notify about incoming call only in background when screen is on - Pavel Kucera
- Common: ADWLauncher- Transitions, catalog improvements, bugfixes - John Van Etten
- Common: Optional GMT correction for SMS/MMS timestamps - Terry Hau
- Common: Add FM Seek for TI devices - KalimochoAz
- Common: Add FM support for SI4708 devices (Blade, V9, Racer) - Stéphane Konstantaropoulos
- Common: Add FM seek implementation to FM application - Tom Giordano
- Common: Show current FM status on lockscreen - Tom Giordano
- Common: Camera touch-to-focus - cyanogen, arcee, m0viefreak, Danny Baumann
- Common: Screenshot feature via power menu - arcee
- Common: WEBP backport - Vikas Arora
- Common: Add CM copyright noticies - arcee
- Common: Skia/Zlib/libcore ARM optimizations - 0xlab
- Common: Bluetooth tethering - Stéphane Konstantaropoulos
- Common: Lockscreen widget alignment - Danesh Mondegarian
- Common: Lockscreen calendar - David Morgan
- Common: AVRCP 1.3 support - Qualcomm (bugfix by Danny Baumann)
- Common: LED notification overhaul - Danny Baumann
- Common: System-wide DNS cache - Google, SEMC
- Common: Headset icon toggle - Cameron Pickett
- Common: FM seek support - Emilio López, Tom Giordano
- Common: Editable event fields in Contacts app - Danny Baumann
- Common: Remove compromised CA from system certs - Guardian Project
- Common: Mute camera shutter option - George Maizel
- Common: Camera timer - Danesh Mondegarian
- Common: "Mark all read" option in MMS - Vinod Surendran
- Common: "eat" pushes fresh brunch/breakfast to device - Ricardo Cerqueira
- Common: Customizable account color chip in Email - copolii
- Common: "Rings" lockscreen - Valera Trubachev
- Click, Motorola: Speed up photo recording - Emilio López
- Click, Motorola: Add Geolocation to photo app - KalimochoAz
- Click: Upgraded kernel from HTC 2.6.29 to 2.6.35
- HTC msm7x30: 2.6.35 kernel and updated userspace
- Buzz: 2.6.35 kernel - Arne Coucheron
- Bravo(c)/Vivo(w)/Ace/Liberty: On charge notification led - Richard Antony Burton
- Crespo/Crespo4G: Kernel update and more, voodoo implementation, BLN, BLX...
- Encore: Update kernel from 2.6.29 to 2.6.32 - Dalingrin,Fattire,Verygreen
- Encore: New GPU drivers and userspace libs
- Encore: Adjustable clockspeed and voltage - Dalingrin
- Encore: Backport 2.6.35 Bluetooth - Fattire
- Encore: Working mem sleep
- Encore: USB host support - Verygreen
- Common: Don't allow packages with platform keys on user-controlled storage
- Common: Fix issue with missing built-in themes
- Common: Update bundled ROM Manager to latest version
- Supersonic: Actually fix GPS
- Supersonic: Fix proximity and light sensor
- Common: Fix fling velocity of status bar and ADW swipe - Sven Dawitz
- Common: Fixed webview layout bug (issue 3229) - Zinx
- Common: Fix GVoice-opens-twice bug - Zinx
- Common: Fix issues on all devices with DNS resolution failure after some time - Zinx, various
- Common: RTL improvements - Eran Mizrahi, Eyad Aboulouz
- Common: Fix crashes in Arabic locale - Eyad Aboulouz
- Common: Add Arabic keylayout - Eyad Aboulouz
- Common: Improve ADWLauncher scrolling/zoom performance - Pavel Kucera
- Common: Fix excessive memory use when appending to textviews - Cyanogen
- Common: New wallpapers from the CM community (CC License, see app for credits)
- Common: Option to disable vibration while in-call - Evan Charlton
- Common: Add long press option to status bar widgets for settings - Alex Avance
- Common: Compact carrier and status bar tweaks - Nihanth Subramanya, rorifree
- Sholes: Fix connectivity loss bug - cvpcs
- Speedy: Fix keyboard lights - JD Horelick
- Glacier: Fix backlights - Zinx
- Glacier: fix GPS issues - Zinx/QCom
- msm7x30: Fix bugs during video resume - Zinx
- qsd8x50: Fix 720p video playback
- qsd8x50: Unified 2.6.37 kernel - Cyanogen, toastcfh, slayher
- Espresso, Legend: WiFi fix (HTC)
- Supersonic: Fix GPS issues (HTC)
- msm7227: Fix GPS issues - Alex Hofbauer
- Click: Fix recovery kernel and compilation. Now works well with latest code - KalimochoAz
- Click: Speed up internet connection - KalimochoAz
- Blade: Update kernel to match Gen2 Radio - kallt_kaffe
- Blade: Update libaudio to fix SIP audio routing and microphone mute - Tom Giordano
- Common: Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) - Google
- Common: Fixes and changes from AOSP master - Various
- Common: ClockworkMod Recovery 3.0: Koush, Cyanogen, Zinx
- Common: Themes engine - T-Mobile
- Common: Performance enhancements for Qualcomm hardware - Code Aurora
- Common: New boot animation - 73v1n - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYXiKWwp0DQ
- Common: Fix readahead values for NAND/MMC devices
- Common: Revamped notification widget - cvpcs
- Common: Updated various graphics for GB style - blunden
- Common: DSPManager updated for 2.3 - alankila
- Common: Restyled music app and forward-port of features - Jason Asher
- Common: Rotary answer in Phone app - James Peterson
- Common: BT VoiceDialer fixes - Matthew Sparby
- Common: Calendar enhancements - James Peterson
- Common: Stagefright fixes for 7x30, 8x50, and 7x27 - Zinx, arcee, Cyanogen
- Common: Pacman package manager - Kmobs
- Common: Workaround for unknown phone number - Jiri Tyr
- Common: Trackball answer/hangup - Juan Rodriguez
- Common: CMParts reorganization - Robert Burns
- Common: View ChangeLog via CMParts (System) - Wes Garner
- Common: Optional screen on/off animations - Diogo Ferreira
- Common: New browser incognito mode - optedoblivion
- Common: New trackball/trackpad wake - Zinx, Cyanogen
- Common: Legacy sensor/GPS support - arcee
- Common: Enabled v8 javascript engine on armv6 (msm7227/msm7225) - arcee
- Common: Customizable overscroll - arcee
- Common: Torch cleanup - defer
- Common: 2D compositor backwards compatibility - arcee
- Common: OpenGL backwards compatibility - Zinx, Cyanogen, Sileht, ezterry
- Common: SMS templates using gestures - Riccardo Ciovati
- Common: Phone Goggles - David Bidorff
- Common: Option to always show battery percentage on lockscreen - Robert Burns
- Common: Option to show music controls with compatible headset connection - Wes Garner
- Common: CPU frequency/scaling control in CMParts - Robert Ramiega
- Common: Option to pause/play music with camera button - cvpcs
- Common: Allow SIP User-Agent configuration - arcee
- Common (non-HTC): Fixed mobile connection suspension - arcee
- Common: New music widgets - Jason Asher
- Common: Updated FLAC support - cvpcs, Cyanogen, kroot
- Common: Updated wallpapers - Fitsnugly, Prash
- Common: Customizable search/long-press search - Sven Dawitz
- Common: New lockscreen styles - Rotary Revamped (default) and Lense - Sven Dawitz, Stefano Pignataro
- Common: Customizable app launcher on rotary lockscreen - Sven Dawitz
- Common: Now playing and album art on lockscreen - kmobs
- Common: GPS fixes - CodeAurora, arcee
- Common: Breakfast/Brunch - arcee
- Common: Statusbar battery percentage with mini icon - Sven Dawitz, design by Jazz Kalsi
- Common: SMS split for braindead carriers - Mike Wielgosz
- Common: MMS user-defined custom vibrate - Wes Garner
- Common: CMParts cleanup - Sven Dawitz
- Common: Notification profiles - Martin Long
- Common: TI wl12xx FM radio reverse engineering - Michael A. Reid
- Common: Tablet tweaks - Sven Dawitz
- Common: Revamped CMStats - Chris Soyars
- Common: Improved RTL text support and fonts - Eyad Aboulouz, Eran Mizrahi,
- Espresso/Legend: Enabled native WiFi tethering - Cyanogen, OMAPZoom.org
- Legend/Liberty/Buzz/Click: Enabled FM Radio - Alexander Hofbauer (libaudio patch)
- Z71: Enabled MPEG4/AAC video recording - arcee
- Z71: Enabled native WiFi tethering - arcee
- Passion/Bravo/BravoC/Supersonic/Inc: Kernel 2.6.37 - Google, Cyanogen, defer, Kali-, toastcfh, slayher
- Vision/Glacier/Espresso: WiFi calling compatibility and optimization - Zinx
- Vision/Glacier/Ace: Unified kernel - HTC, Cyanogen, Zinx, Kali-, defer
- Vision/Glacier/Ace: Fix FM radio on 2.3 - Zinx
- Vision/Glacier/Ace: Fixes for video overlay - Zinx, CodeAurora
- Vision: Only install WiFi calling on TMUS devices - attn1
- Espresso/Legend/Liberty: Unified kernel - HTC, Cyanogen, attn1, jznomoney, Alexander Hofbauer
- Supersonic: WiMAX support - HTC, Shinzul, toastcfh, shift, #teamwin, Cyanogen, Joey Conway
- Supersonic: HDMI mirror support: #teamwin
- ONE: Enabled native WiFi tethering - arcee